Dry skin as an auxiliary diagnostic criterion for atopic dermatitis. Experience in effectively using ectoin-containing external agent in childhood



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Atopic dermatitis (AtD) is a chronic inflammatory skin disease, the basis for the pathogenesis of which is an incompetent skin barrier with an immune system imbalance. The skin forms mechanical and immune barriers that protect the body from aggressive environmental factors. Innate immunity imbalance leads to skin infection with opportunistic bacteria that maintain the local inflammatory process. Dry skin is now considered as an auxiliary criterion for AtD. Some experts are ready to include this factor for the progression of AtD in a set of its main criteria. The paper considers the experience with the new cream, the main component of which is the ectoin molecule at a concentration of 7%. There has been recently a noticeable increase in the number of works dealing with different therapeutic and prophylactic properties of ectoines, which are useful in medicine and cosmetology. Ectoin used as part of the agent to relieve inflammatory reactions in allergies and AtD has a certain positive effect. Skin hydration control along with anti-inflammatory therapy can contribute to reducing the risk of more severe forms of the disease, by maintaining the achieved remission of AtD.




A. Kudryavtseva

I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University)

Email: kudassia@gmail.com
Professor, MD

R. Mingaliev

I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University)


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