Systematic review on the short-term efficacy and safety of nicorandil for stable angina pectoris in comparison with those of ß-blockers, nitrates and calcium antagonists



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Nicorandil significantly reducted the incidence of major coronary events in patients with stable angina in a long-term trial, although there are few reports on its short-term efficacy in the treatment and prevention of angina symptoms. We performed a meta-analysis of the short-term efficacy of nicorandil compared with antianginal drugs for stable angina.




Yu. Hanai

Toho University, Omori Medical Center

Tokyo, Japan

M. Mita

Meiji Pharmaceutical University

Tokyo, Japan

Sh. Hishinuma

Meiji Pharmaceutical University

Tokyo, Japan

M. Shoji

Meiji Pharmaceutical University

Tokyo, Japan


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