Сhoice of antithr0mb0lytic therapy for patients of different ages and warfarin therapy adherence in atrial fibrillation patients aged over 75 years



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Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common cardiac arrhythmia. In many patients with both paroxysmal and persistent AF, it is a cause of serious complications due to hemodynamic disorders, requires preventive therapy to reduce a risk for thromboembolic events, including stroke, of which this arrhythmia is a pathogenetic factor. A number of randomized studies have provided evidence that the risk of thromboembolic events, stroke in particular, can be reduced by anticoagulant and antiaggregatory therapy. This investigation has studied the frequency of prescribing warfarin and aspirin to patients of different ages and anticoagulant therapy adherence in persons aged over 75 years.


N Novikova

Email: nanovikova@mail.ru

N Sarkisova

M Gilyarov

N Novikova

I.M. Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy

; I.M. Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy

N Sarkisova

I.M. Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy

I.M. Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy

M Gilyarov

I.M. Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy

; I.M. Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy


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