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The paper considers problems in the correction of arterial hypertension (AH) with nebivolol in patients with concomitant coronary heart disease (CHD). It gives the data of a prospective comparative study of the efficiency and safety (evaluation of clinical equivalence) of 2 combination therapy regimens using the generic Nebivator (INN Nebivolol; АТС code C07AB12) and the original drug Nebilet in patients with mild-to-moderate AH with concomitant CHD.




S. Cheremushkin

N.A. Semashko Central Clinical Hospital Two, ОАО “RZhD”


Yu. Kucheryavyi

N.A. Semashko Central Clinical Hospital Two, ОАО “RZhD”

T. Oganesyan

N.A. Semashko Central Clinical Hospital Two, ОАО “RZhD”


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