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Twelve-week treatment with psyllium (Mucofalk) was studied for its impact on the clinical picture of the disease and quality of life (QL) in patients with uncomplicated diverticular disease, the time course of changes in fecal short-chain fatty acids. The drug was found to have hypolipidemic activity, to be well tolerated, to cause no side effects, to improve QL, to normalize intestinal motility, and to reduce pain syndrome and tympanism. The prebiotic effect of Mucofalk was evidenced by elevated fecal short-chain fatty acid concentrations and a lower anaerobic index. The drug significantly decreases hyperlipidemic parameters and may be recommended as a hypolipidemic agent as monotherapy if the baseline level of total cholesterol is <6.4 mmol/l.




I. Komisarenko

Central Research Institute of Gastroenterology; State Medical Stomatological University

S. Levchenko

Central Research Institute of Gastroenterology; State Medical Stomatological University


S. Silverstova

State Medical Stomatological University

T. Kosacheva

State Medical Stomatological University


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