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Exostosis is a nontumor bony outgrowth that is usually located on the surface of the intact bone. The paper describes a rare clinical case of multiple recurrent existoses in maxillary sinus in the presence of chronic purulent and productive hemisinusitis.




D. Fernando

Astrakhan State Medical University; Astrakhan Branch, Otorhinolaryngology Research and Clinical Center, Federal Biomedical Agency of Russia

Email: sultan070487@mail.ru

V. Shpotin

Astrakhan State Medical University; Astrakhan Branch, Otorhinolaryngology Research and Clinical Center, Federal Biomedical Agency of Russia

Email: sultan070487@mail.ru

A. Bakhtin

Otorhinolaryngology Research and Clinical Center, Federal Biomedical Agency of Russia

Email: sultan070487@mail.ru

V. Saidulaev

Astrakhan Branch, Otorhinolaryngology Research and Clinical Center, Federal Biomedical Agency of Russia

Email: sultan070487@mail.ru

V. Mamich

Postmortem Examination Bureau

Email: sultan070487@mail.ru


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