Pharmacological preconditioning. Focus on nicorandil



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The paper discusses the mechanism of action, the efficacy and safety of the ATP-dependent potassium channel activator nicorandil in myocardial pharmacological preconditioning. It gives the data of clinical trials confirming the possibility of reducing the risk of periprocedural myocardial damage when this drug is administered for prevention purposes. There are data on the positive effect of nicorandil on myocardial contractility and clinical outcomes.




R. Gostishchev

National Research Medical Center of Cardiology, Ministry of Health of Russia


G. Soboleva

National Research Medical Center of Cardiology, Ministry of Health of Russia

A. Samko

National Research Medical Center of Cardiology, Ministry of Health of Russia


A. Osiev

M.F. Vladimirsky Moscow Regional Clinical Research Institute



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