A clinical case of an individual approach in the treatment of a patient with tuberculosis of the lungs and bronchus in combination with mycobacteriosis and Crohn's disease




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In the Russian Federation, there is an increase in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis in combination with comorbid pathologies, including Crohn's disease. There is also a tendency to increase the combination of pulmonary tuberculosis and non-tuberculosis mycobacteriosis, which makes it difficult to select adequate therapy and reduces the effectiveness of treatment. Bronchial tuberculosis is one of the complications of the tuberculosis process and often masks the onset of this disease. In this connection, the diagnosis of the tuberculosis process in the bronchi is difficult.

A young patient with a history of Crohn's disease was diagnosed with pulmonary and bronchial tuberculosis in combination with non-tuberculosis mycobacteriosis. Upon admission, the presence of intoxication syndrome and bacterial excretion in sputum was noted. Taking into account the presence of comorbid pathology, anti-tuberculosis therapy was carried out according to an individual chemotherapy regimen with predominant parenteral administration of drugs. Against the background of the ongoing treatment, the patient noted the addition of a coronavirus infection with the development of viral pneumonia. Thanks to an individual approach in the treatment of the tuberculosis process in combination with non-tuberculosis mycobacteriosis and the presence of Crohn's disease, it was possible to achieve the relief of intoxication syndrome, the cessation of bacterial excretion in sputum and positive X-ray and endoscopic dynamics.

This clinical example demonstrates the high effectiveness of an integrated approach in the treatment of tuberculosis in the presence of concomitant diseases. Due to the early endoscopic diagnosis, the patient revealed a tuberculous process in the bronchi. Given the presence of these diseases, complex chemotherapy was aimed at treating tuberculosis and mycobacteriosis simultaneously. Taking into account mainly parenteral administration of chemotherapy drugs, there was no exacerbation of Crohn's disease. The addition of coronavirus infection with the development of viral pneumonia did not affect the course of the tuberculosis process and non-tuberculosis mycobacteriosis.




N. Chumovatov

Central Research Institute of Tuberculosis

Email: Necro5412@mail.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-8745-7940
俄罗斯联邦, Moscow

E. Polushkina

Central Research Institute of Tuberculosis

Email: Necro5412@mail.ru
俄罗斯联邦, Moscow

N. Chernyh

Central Research Institute of Tuberculosis

Email: Necro5412@mail.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-6787-2362

Candidate of Medical Sciences

俄罗斯联邦, Moscow

I. Sivokozov

Central Research Institute of Tuberculosis

Email: Necro5412@mail.ru

Candidate of Medical Sciences

俄罗斯联邦, Moscow

O. Komissarova

Central Research Institute of Tuberculosis

Email: Necro5412@mail.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-4427-3804

Doctor of Medical Sciences

俄罗斯联邦, Moscow


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2. Fig. 1. Axial sections of chest computed tomography (CCT) of a patient in the pulmonary mode: a – atelectasis of the middle lobe and focal changes in the right lung; б – enlarged intrathoracic lymph nodes

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3. Fig. 2. Endoscopic presentations: а – up to Grade 3 stenosis of the right middle lobe bronchus; б – hyperemia and edema of the right bronchial mucosa

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4. Fig. 3. Axial sections of CCT of a patient in the pulmonary mode after 2 months of treatment: а – a reduction in the pulmonary tissue atelectatic area in the right lung; б – partial resorption of dropout foci in this zone

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5. Fig. 4. Endoscopic presentations after 2 months of treatment: а – specific laryngeal lesion in the stage of reverse development; б – up to Grade 2 bronchial ostial stenosis in the right middle lobe bronchus

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6. Fig. 5. Axial sections of CCT of a patient in the pulmonary mode after 3 months of treatment: the appearance of interstitial compaction zones in the right subpleural sections and that of interstitial compaction zones by the frosted glass type in the left S6

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7. Fig. 6. Axial sections of CCT of a patient after 6 months of treatment: а – cirrhotic transformation in the paravertebral zone S6 of the right lung; б – an atelectatic zone in the middle lobe of the right lung

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