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卷 29, 编号 10 (2018)


Posttraumatic orchitis: pathogenesis, treatment, prognosis

Yarovoy S., Khromov R., Kareva E.


The paper assesses main approaches to drug therapy for different types of posttraumatic orchitis. The most conservative therapy (analgesia, non-reserve antibacterial drugs for preventive purposes) is performed in the non-infectious type; the most active therapy (anti-Pseudomonas cephalosporins, carbapenems) is done in the infectious type, if there are no obvious positive changes during 2-3 days, orchiectomy is indicated.
Vrach. 2018;29(10):3-7
pages 3-7 views

Diagnosis, prevalence, and risk factors of atrophic gastritis

Tsukanov V., Vasyutin A., Tonkikh Y., Peretyatko O.


Atrophic gastritis as a precancerous disease is crucial for the early diagnosis and prevention of gastric cancer. The risk factors for atrophic gastritis and gastric cancer are Helicobacter pylori (Hp) infection, male sex, tobacco smoking, the consumption of salted foods and processed meat, as well as hereditary load. The early detection of gastric mucosal atrophy and Hp eradication are of importance in preventing gastric cancer.
Vrach. 2018;29(10):8-11
pages 8-11 views

Endometrial cancer: opportunities and prospects of rehabilitation

Solopova A., Idrisova L., Chukanova E.


Endometrial cancer and its treatment are associated with many serious complications that require monitoring and timely appropriate therapy. Rehabilitation makes it possible to provide a multidisciplinary approach and to improve quality of life in patients
Vrach. 2018;29(10):12-14
pages 12-14 views

Operational risk: objectification

Vychuzhanin D., Kuznetsov N.


The problem of objectification and quantitative risk assessment can be solved only when applying an interdisciplinary approach that has contributed to the creation of a simple and effective classification of perioperative criteria. Mathematical and statistical analysis has made it possible to carry out an individual operational prognosis during elective surgery.
Vrach. 2018;29(10):15-17
pages 15-17 views

Hypertensive angiopathy of the retina as a marker of cardiovascular risk

Shcherbakova K., Yasenovets M., Barsukov A.


The eye ground is a target organ available to evaluate hypertension. Retinal changes observed in hypertensive patients are associated with cardiovascular risk factors and other target organ damages. Hypertensive angiopathy of the retina shows a certain prognostic value.
Vrach. 2018;29(10):18-21
pages 18-21 views

Genetic markers of predisposition to psoriasis

Baskaev K., Shumilova S., Korsunskaya I., Denieva M., Voronko O.


The polymorphic markers of +61A>g EGF, R501X, and 2282del4 FLG alleles and genotypes were comparatively analyzed in patients with psoriasis and healthy individuals. The FLG RX genotype and X allele were associated with an increased risk for psoriasis.
Vrach. 2018;29(10):22-24
pages 22-24 views

The role of Ophthalmoferon in the treatment of viral eye diseases in type 2 diabetes patients with diabetic retinopathy (literature review)

Vorobyeva I.


This paper revealed a high incidence of viral eye diseases (up to 12-15 million per year) in patients of all ages. The clinical picture of the most frequent viral eye diseases (such as epidemic keratoconjunctivitis, pharyngoconjunctival fever, herpetic conjunctivitis) was analysed. The problem of viral eye diseases is so profound, that it has been actively researched not only in Russia, but also abroad. Recent large-scale domestic and international studies in this field (for the period Viral eye diseases in type 2 diabetes patients with diabetic retinopathy have a longer duration and progress more rapidly to severe forms of keratoconjunctivitis. The disease often results in the vision loss. Combined treatment with the use of pathogenically-oriented antiviral medications can reduce the risk ofdisease progression. This review also analyses data and clinical examples of severe viral eye damage in type 2 diabetes patients, caused by such factors as: low immunity, reduced protein levels, developing polyneuropathy, decreased corneal sensitivity, prolonged wound healing. The interferon-based eye drops(medication Ophtalmoferon®) are the most preferred treatment of viral eye diseases for different patients, including those with diabetes.
Vrach. 2018;29(10):25-29
pages 25-29 views

Application of hyaluronic acid preparations for ankle fractures: long-term results

Yakimov L., Tekeev I., Kalinsky B.


This two-year follow-up of patients with ankle fractures confirms that hyaluronic acid preparations are effective in preventing post-traumatic arthrosis.
Vrach. 2018;29(10):30-31
pages 30-31 views

Impact of triple antihypertensive therapy on cardiac remodeling, silent myocardial ischemia in hypertension in premenopausal women with estrogen deficiency

Khabibulina M.


Triple antihypertensive therapy (amlodipine, indapamide, and perindopril) for hypertension in premenopausal women with estrogen deficiency can stop the development of left ventricular (LV) hypertrophy and left heart chamber dilation, positively affect LV remodeling, and reduce the incidence of silent myocardial ischemia.
Vrach. 2018;29(10):32-36
pages 32-36 views

Possibilities of using the combined adaptogen Leveton P

Seifulla R., Potupchik T., Poluboyarinov P., Petrova E., Pollkarpochkln A., Ellstratov D., Strukov V.


The paper describes a study of the dietary supplement Leveton P, which has shown that its cycle use has tonic, immunomodulatory, and antioxidant effects on the body of athletes, accelerates their recovery and adaptation to physical activity, improves immunity, rehabilitates their sexual status, and increases physical and mental performance. Leveton P may be recommended for central nervous system dysfunctions, impotence, alcoholism, metabolic disturbances, postoperative conditions, and autonomic vascular dystonia.
Vrach. 2018;29(10):37-43
pages 37-43 views

Management tactics for a patient with irritable bowel syndrome

Polunina T.


Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) can significantly impair patients’ quality of life and leads to considerable direct and indirect costs of treatment and diagnosis. The general diagnostic algorithm for IBS consists of 4 main items: collection of data from patients’ medical records and analysis of clinical presentations; physical examination; minimally required laboratory tests; and instrumental diagnosis. The treatment of patients with IBS is to modify diet and lifestyle, to take pharmacological agents, and to use psychotherapeutic interventions. The paper gives a clinical case as an example of algorithms for the diagnosis and treatment of IBS.
Vrach. 2018;29(10):44-49
pages 44-49 views

Videothoracoscopy in the diagnosis and treatment of chest trauma. Indications. Performance timing

Yurov S., Serova E., Vinnik Y., Dudarev A.


Despite the introduction of new diagnostic and therapeutic platforms, chest trauma remains one of the pressing problems of urgent surgery. Endosurgical technologies for thoracic trauma make it possible to solve the majority of diagnostic and therapeutic tasks; however, many issues remain unresolved. It is necessary to further clarify indications for and contraindications to thoracoscopy and to determine its well-defined performance timing. In most cases, thoracoscopy can reduce the frequency of diagnostic thoracotomies, postoperative complications, the time of pleural cavity drainage and patient rehabilitation, mortality rates, and the length of stay in the surgery department.
Vrach. 2018;29(10):50-52
pages 50-52 views

Computed tomography in the diagnosis of brain injury in urgent neurosurgery

Dadabaev V., Alekseev R.


The paper considers whether x-ray computed tomography (CT) and multispiral CT (MSCT) can be used in clinical practice to diagnose and choose a treatment policy for brain injury, as well as in forensic expert practice to determine the prescription of damage to the skull bones and brain matter.
Vrach. 2018;29(10):53-57
pages 53-57 views

Primary total knee replacement and obesity

Lychagin A., Gritsyuk A., Gasanov A.


A patients obesity is convincingly shown to be associated with a lower level of movement volume restoration and a final functional result after primary total knee replacement.
Vrach. 2018;29(10):58-60
pages 58-60 views

Association of pancreatic cancer and ankylosing spondylitis in the same patient

Kapustina E., Bulygin G., Mordovsky V., Potupchik T., Nikulina S., Medvedev D., Budarev A.


The paper gives a clinical example of a complex association between oncopathology (pancreatic cancer) and ankylosing spondylitis. The earliest possible diagnosis of a concurrence of rheumatic disease and tumors, the clarification of time ratios, and the identification of the primary process and mechanisms of pathology are necessary to determine the treatment policy and prognosis in this category of patients.
Vrach. 2018;29(10):61-62
pages 61-62 views

Risk for renal arterial remodeling in primary glomerulopathy

Levitskaya E., Batyushin M., Senelnik E., Pasechnlk D., Antlpova N.


Segmental sclerosis of glomerular capillary loops, endothelial swelling, mesangial expansion, as well as segmental mesangial cell proliferation have been established to have an impact on the risk of reducing the internal diameter of the interlobular artery. Prediction of renal vascular remodeling helps stratify the risk of irreversible changes.
Vrach. 2018;29(10):63-67
pages 63-67 views

Vascular stiffness indicators at a young age with regard to major risk factors

Evsevyeva M., Eremin M., Fursova E., Rusidi A., Koshel V.


The development of early vascular aging (EVA) has been found to be associated with the significantly higher incidence of anxiety and depressive disorders in young men and with heredity compromised with early cardiovascular diseases in girls.
Vrach. 2018;29(10):68-71
pages 68-71 views

Effect of nicorandil on myocardial ischemic preconditioning in patients with coronary heart disease and type 2 diabetes mellitus

Sizova Z., Zakharova V., Kozlova N.


The possibilities of pharmacological correction of the coronary reserve with traditional nitroso-containing drugs and the potassium channel activator nicorandil and their effects on myocardial ischemic preconditioning (IP) were compared in patients with ischemic heart disease (CHD) and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). In patients with CHD and T2DM, nicorandil is the drug of choice for long-term treatment, which is more effective than traditional nitroso drugs and is able to initiate myocardial IP. Nicorandil is effective in correcting endothelial dysfunction, without causing the development of tolerance and without reducing the efficacy in the co-use of glucose-lowering therapy.
Vrach. 2018;29(10):72-77
pages 72-77 views

Thermographic indicators of the efficiency of magnetic therapy with an ALMAG+ apparatus in patients with knee osteoarthritis

Kuzmanin S., Byalovsky Y., Bulatetsky S., Glushkova E.


An investigation was conducted, the objective of which was to study the thermographic evaluation of the efficiency of magnetic therapy for osteoarthritis (OA). The investigation has indicated that that the inclusion of magnetic therapy in the combination therapy of knee OA sig-nificantly enhances the efficiency of treatment, as shown by thermographic findings.
Vrach. 2018;29(10):78-83
pages 78-83 views

Electrical muscle stimulation as part of the rehabilitation process

Burskaya S., Beletskaya O., Shumilova M.


Electromyostimulation is highly effective during combination rehabilitation. Its cycle duration is 10 to 15 days. Repeated cycles must be selected individually.
Vrach. 2018;29(10):84-87
pages 84-87 views


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Vrach. 2018;29(10):88-92
pages 88-92 views