Formally dynamic properties of psyche during normal pregnancy

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Two hundred and eleven women aged 18 to 35 years during different pregnancy terms were examined. During a prolonged study, temperamental traits were studied in 12 women before, during, and after pregnancy, by using the formally dynamic individuality trait (FDIT) questionnaire developed by V. M. Rusalov. Normal pregnancy was shown to be accompanied by a reduction in the energy component of behavioral reactions both in the subject activity sphere and especially intellectual and communicative spheres, as well as a decrease emotionality levels on making any activity, except for communicative one. The above changes in the manifestation of temperamental traits are individual, and depending on the degree of occurring abnormalities, may (not) lead to a change in the FDIT type characteristic of a woman before the occurrence of pregnancy. Temperamental traits returned to the baseline values in not all women within a month after labor.


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