Impact of the type of marriage on pregnancy carriage

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The types of marriage were comparatively analyzed in the families with miscarriage. A group of 532 families with miscarriages that had happened in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy was divided into 3 subgroups: 1) 249 families with one miscarriage; 2) 210 families with two miscarriages; and 3) 73 families with three miscarriages or more. The second sample included 862 families in whom spontaneous abortions had occurred in the first 28 weeks (these families had live-birth children, abdominal pregnancies, and medical abortions). This group was divided into 2 subgroups: 1) 391 families with one miscarriage and 2) 471 families with two miscarriages or more. A control group consisted of 272 families without a history of miscarriage. The findings suggest that the families with a history of three miscarriages or more in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy were found to have inbreeding phenomena that might, with preserved pregnancy, result in an increase in the birth rate of infants with genetic abnormalities.


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