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Objective. To study the reproductive health in the native girls of the Republic of Tyva (RT). Material and methods. The 1999-2008 reports of the Federal State Statistics Service in the RT and in the Ministry of Health of RT were analyzed. Randomized study was made in 785 Tuvan girls aged 10 to 18 years. The results were statistically processed according to the requirements for sample surveys, by applying a Statistica version 6.0 software package © Statsoft, USA. Results. The development of the reproductive system in the native girls of Tyva under the present conditions is characterized by a high rate of dyshormonic physical development, underdevelopment of secondary sex characteristics, a high rate of menstrual irregularities, and a high prevalence of gynecological diseases. Conclusion. Reproductive impairments develop in the girls under a complex of the sociomedical and ecogeographic factors characteristic of the republic. They determine reproductive abnormalities and inadequate reproductive behavior in the girls and may negatively affect the realization of reproductive function.

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About the authors


Research Institute of Medical Problems of the North, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences



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