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Objective. To estimate colposcopic indices (CI) in patients with human papillomavirus (HPV-associated) cervical intraepithelial neoplasias (CIN) versus uninfected patients with CIN and the correlation of CI with р16, Ki-67, and E7 expression. Subjects and methods. 150 patients with verified CIN who formed two study groups (1 and 2) of HPV-infected patients and two comparison groups (3 and 4) of uninfected patients with CIN I and CIN II-III were examined. Their comprehensive study involved colposcopic, cytological, and histological examinations, HPV typing by PCR, ELISA determination of HPV Е7 oncoprotein, and immunocytochemical determination of p16ink4 and Ki-67 in the cervical samples. Results. There were statistically significant correlations between CI (according to R. Reid and M. Shafi and Nazeer) and E7 oncoprotein, between the immunocytochemical biomarkers p16ink4 and Ki-67 and the CIs in the patients with HPV-associated CIN versus HPV-uninfected patients with CIN. Conclusion. The patients with HPV-associated CIN II-III showed higher CIs (р < 0.05) than those uninfected with HPV types 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, and 59 while in CIN I, the impact of HPV infection on the magnitude of colposcopic signs was not established. CI was found to correlate with р16, Ki-67, and Е7 in contrast to the noninfected patients (р<0.05).

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About the authors


Omsk State Medical Academy, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation



Women's Health Clinic One, Omsk


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