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Objective. To evaluate the anti-biofilm and anti-Candida effects of some actual antimycotics (a ketoconazole-polyethylene oxides (K-PEO) composition, nystatin, and fluconazole) against Candida biofilm cells. Subject and methods. The investigation used the following methods: 1) simulation of Candida biofilms in vitro; 2) study of the biofilm antibiotic resistance of fungi in the genus Candida, by evaluating their viability by a method for determining colony-forming units; 3) estimation of the pathogenicity of Candida, by examining hypho clusters with a differential interference contrast method; 4) scanning electron microscopy; 5) laser scanning confocal microscopy. The biofilms were formed from C. albicans, C. glabrata и C. parapsilosis strains. Results. Among the test antimycotic (anti- Candida) drugs, the K-PEO composition that caused 100% cells death in all the examined strains upon 48-hour exposure of Candida biofilms showed the most potent anti-biofilm effect. The composition also demonstrated anti-virulence properties in suppressing hypho clusters in early (24-hour) biofilms. Conclusion. The K-PEO composition may be effectively used to control Candida biofilms.

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About the authors


Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy, Ministry of Health of Russia



Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy, Ministry of Health of Russia



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