Specific feature of blood ACTH level fluctuations in pregnant women with high anxiety level and in their newborns

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Objective. To investigate the specific features of blood adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) level fluctuations in pregnant women with high anxiety level and in their newborns. Subjects and methods. The investigation enrolled 20 women with normal pregnancy and 25 pregnant women with a high personality and reactive anxiety level rated using the anamnestic data questionnaire and the Spielberger inventory. Blood ACTH levels were investigated in the pregnant women before birth activity and in their newborns. Blood samples were taken from the ulnar vein of a pregnant woman and the umbilical vein of a neonate infant into centrifuge tubes containing EDTA and centrifuged at 2000 rev/min for 10 min. Plasma ACTH levels were measured by enzyme immunoassay using the respective test kits from DRG Instruments GmbH (Germany). The data were statistically processed using a package of Statistica 10 programs to deduce the statistical significance Student’s t-test. Results. The pregnant women with high anxiety level and their newborns displayed significantly increased blood ACTH concentrations. The differences in the blood hormone levels in the women with normal pregnancy and their neonates with considerably higher blood ACTH levels in the pregnant women with high anxiety level and their newborns suggest that there is no correlation between the hormone levels in the mother and her fetus/neonate, on the one hand, and that the pregnant women with a high level of anxiety exhibited activated ACTH synthesis and release processes in both the mother and her fetus, as well as its transfer from mother to fetus, on the other hand. Conclusion. The findings may admit that in pregnant women with high anxiety level, ACTH-dependent disorders may develop in their fetus and posterity and that it is necessary to consider them in the clinical presentation of these conditions.

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About the authors

Anna Drastamatovna Khudaverdyan

Mkhitar Heratsi Yerevan State Medical University

Email: anna.khudaverdyan2@mail.ru
MD, PhD, Obstetrics and Gynecology Department Two


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