A relationship between the attitude to an unborn child and the relations between parents in the families with spontaneous and induced pregnancy

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Objective. To analyze a relationship between maternal and paternal attitudes towards a fetus and parenteral relations in the families with spontaneous and induced pregnancy. Subjects and methods. The sample was composed of 332families, including 228 and 84 ones with spontaneous and induced pregnancy, respectively. Results. In the group of families who had undergone in vitro fertilization (IVF), the maternal attachment to an unborn baby was significantly higher than in the group of those with natural conception. Conclusion. Parental relationships were a significant predictor of maternal and paternal attitudes to an unborn child in both groups.

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About the authors

Inna Viktorovna Feklicheva

South Ural State University (National Research University)

Email: innafeklicheva@yandex.ru
candidate of medical Science, head of the laboratory of molecular-genetic research human health and development

Nadezda Alexandrovna Chipeeva

South Ural State University (National Research University)

Email: Nadezda.Chipeeva@yandex.ru
junior researcher of the laboratory of molecular-genetic research human health and development

Irina Dmitrievna Voronina

National Research Tomsk State University; Institute of Psychology, Russian Academy of Education

Email: irina.d.voronina@gmail.com
junior research fellow at the Laboratory of the Developmental Behavioural Genetics; Junior researcher of the Laboratory for Cognitive Investigations and Behavioral Genetics

Elena Leonidovna Soldatova

South Ural State University (National Research University)

Email: Elena.l.soldatova@gmail.ru
doctor of psychological Sciences, professor, Dean of the faculty of psychology

Ekaterina Pavlovna Maslennikova

South Ural State University (national research university)

Email: bayan-sulu@mail.ru
psychologist of the laboratory of molecular-genetic research human health and development

Marina Vladimirovna Shabalovskaya

National Research Tomsk state university

Email: m_sha79@mail.ru
candidate of psychological Sciences, associate professor, Department of psychotherapy and psychological counseling

Lyubov Aglyamovna Agarkova

Tomsk National Research Medical Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Email: roddom4@mail.tomsknet.ru
doctor of medical Sciences, professor, head of the scientific direction of the Research Institute of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology

Sergey Borisovich Malykh

National Research Tomsk State University; Institute of Psychology, Russian Academy of Education

Email: malykhsb@mail.ru
professor, PhD, Academy’s Secretary of the Department of Psychology and Developmental Physiology at the Russian Academy of Education; Academician of the Russian Academy of Education.; Co-director of the International Centre for Research in Human Development

Yulia Vladimirovna Kovas

National Research Tomsk State University; Goldsmiths, University of London

Email: y.kovas@gold.ac.uk
Professor, PhD, director of the Laboratory for Cognitive Investigations and Behavioral Genetics; Professor of Genetics and Psychology, Department of Psychology


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