Comparative characteristics of preterm births

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Aim. To identify anamnestic, clinical, and morphological differences between patients who had preterm births at different gestational ages. Material and methods. The study represents a retrospective analysis of medical records of 356 women with preterm births who were managed at the Rostov Regional Perinatal Center in 2011. The participants were divided into four groups categorized by gestational age at delivery. Results. A history of recurrent pregnancy loss and missed miscarriage is associated with extremely preterm birth. The fundamental distinctive feature of extremely preterm birth is the presence of inflammatory changes in the umbilical cord. Cervical insufficiency is also a risk factor for early and extremely preterm birth. There were statistically significant differences in the levels of placental adaptive-compensatory reactions, specifically in detection rates of villous maturation disorders and placental circulatory disorders. Conclusion. The duration of pregnancy depends on the condition of the placenta. With the depletion of adaptive-compensatory reactions, the risk of preterm birth increases.

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About the authors

Marina P. Kurochka

Rostov State Medical University of Minzdrav of Russia


Ekaterina I. Volokitina

Rostov State Medical University of Minzdrav of Russia


Marina L. Babaeva

Rostov State Medical University of Minzdrav of Russia

Emma M. Voldohina

Rostov State Medical University of Minzdrav of Russia

Valentina V. Markina

Rostov State Medical University of Minzdrav of Russia


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