Preand postoperative drug therapy in patients with ovarian endometrioid cysts: a retrospective cohort study

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Endometriosis is a common gynecological disease that affects 10 to 15% of reproductive-aged women. The main symptoms are pain and infertility. One of the treatment strategies is surgery in combination with drug therapy to reduce the risk of recurrent endometriosis. Objective. To retrospectively study the role of drug therapy in the prevention of recurrences after surgical treatment in patients with ovarian endometrioid cysts. Materials and methods. During the study, 600 taken by random sampling histories were retrospectively analyzed in women who had been operated on for ovarian endometrioid cysts. After application of the exclusion criteria, 319 patients were analyzed and divided into two groups: 1) 282 (88%) women with a history of primary endometrioid cysts, 2) 37 (12%) patients with recurrent ovarian endometrioid cysts. Results. Groups 1 and 2 patients were found to have differences in the preoperative use of drugs, such as dydrogesterone, combined oral contraceptives, and gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists. Conclusion. The absence of hormone therapy or the use of combined oral contraceptives, unlike that of progestogens, in women after surgery for primary ovarian endometriosis is highly likely to lead to recurrent endometriomas. Among the gestagens, dydrogesterone has a number of advantages due to its eff icacy, favorable safety profile, and the possibility of individually selecting a therapy regimen for each patient in the treatment of endometriosis.

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About the authors

S. O Dubrovina

Rostov State Medical University, Ministry of Health of Russia

Dr. Med. Sci., Professor, the Main Scientific Researcher of Scientific Research Institute of Obstetric and Pediatric 344022, Russia, Rostov-On-Don, per. Nakhichevansky, 29

Yu. D Berlim

Rostov State Medical University, Ministry of Health of Russia

PhD, MD, Head of the Consulting and Outpatient Department 344022, Russia, Rostov-On-Don, per. Nakhichevansky, 29

M. A Vovkochina

Rostov State Medical University, Ministry of Health of Russia

obstetrician gynecologist of Scientific Research Institute of Obstetric and Pediatric 344022, Russia, Rostov-On-Don, per. Nakhichevansky, 29

A. D Aleksandrina

Rostov State Medical University, Ministry of Health of Russia

obstetrician gynecologist 344022, Russia, Rostov-On-Don, per. Nakhichevansky, 29

K. R Bogomolova

Rostov State Medical University, Ministry of Health of Russia

student of the Faculty of Preventive Medicine 344022, Russia, Rostov-On-Don, per. Nakhichevansky, 29


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