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Objective. To determine the serum cytokine balance in women with fetal depletion syndrome and to estimate the importance of single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in the development of this condition. Subject and methods. Peripheral blood was tested in women with physiological pregnancy, in those with fetal depletion syndrome, and nonpregnant healthy women without reproductive losses. The level of cytokines and allelic polymorphism of their genes were determined. Results. The pregnant women with fetal depletion syndrome were found to have pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokine imbalance due to the elevated levels of IL-10, IL-6, IL-17α, and TNFα. Moreover, there were more frequently heterozygotes for the polymorphic markers of the genes IL-10 (mutation 1, G-1082A), IL-4 (C-589-T), TNFα (G-308A), IL-17f His161Arg (7488A/G). Conclusion. The preponderance of proinflammatory cytokines (TNFα and IL-17α) with the high level of antiinflammatory cytokines (IL-10 and IL-17α) suggests that the process of physiological rearrangement of the immune system is impaired in the immunosuppressive direction by the second trimester in the pregnant women with a history of fetal depletion syndrome. At the same time, heterozygotes for the polymorphic markers of the genes IL-10 (mutation 1, G-1082A), IL-4 (C-589-T), TNFα (G-308A), IL-17f His161Arg (7488A/G) are encountered much more frequently.

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About the authors

Lubov Nikolaevna Pitirimova

Volgograd state medical university

Email: gatyzhskaya@mail.ru
post-graduate student, assistant to department of clinical laboratory diagnostics 400131, Russia, Volgograd, Pavshikh Bortsov Square 1

Elena Aleksandrovna Zagorodneva

Volgograd state medical university

Email: z-e-alex@mail.ru
PhD, associate professor to department of clinical laboratory diagnostics 400131, Russia, Volgograd, Pavshikh Bortsov Square 1

Boris Urievich Gumilevskiy

Volgograd state medical university

Email: gumbu@mail.ru
MD, head of the department of clinical laboratory diagnostics 400131, Russia, Volgograd, Pavshikh Bortsov Square 1


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