Optimization of combination therapy for female genital inflammatory diseases in the context of clinical immunology

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Objective. To provide a rationale for the incorporation of neovir (oxodyhydroacridinylacetate sodium) into combination therapy for bacterial vaginosis and vulvovaginitis. Subjects and methods. The investigation lasted 6 months. It enrolled 56 patients with bacterial vaginosis and vulvovaginal candidiasis. The main criteria for inclusion into the investigation were: diagnosed bacterial vaginosis and vulvovaginal candidiasis; a disease duration of at least 1 year; previous ineffective treatment in accordance with standards and clinical guidelines. The patients underwent clinical, laboratory, and immunological examinations before and after therapy. The following treatment efficiency criteria were taken in the investigation: disappearance of clinical symptomatology; positive changes in the interferon status; a longer interrecurrent interval. Neovir used in the combination therapy was injected at an intramuscular dose of 250 mg (500 mg on day 1) with a total 10 injections per cycle according to a definitive regimen. Results. Serum interferon concentrations were noted to be increased just after the second injection of neovir (oxodyhydroacridinylacetate sodium) and the blood cell production of INF-α and INF-γ was intensified by the end of the therapy. There were positive changes in the study immunological and clinical parameters after completion of an oxodyhydroacridinylacetate sodium therapy cycle. No recurrences of inflammation were recorded in the examinees within 6 months after initiation of the therapy. Conclusion. The use of neovir (oxodyhydroacridinylacetate sodium) in the combination treatment of bacterial vaginosis and vulvovaginal candidiasis is pathogenetically sound and induces a persistent and sustained remission. This medication contributes to the normalization of immunological factors.

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About the authors

Elena V. Nadei

Omsk State Medical University

Email: osma-genpract@yandex.ru,osma-genpract@yandex.ru,elenanadei@gmail.com
assistant professor of department of internal diseases and family medicine

Galina I. Nechaeva

Omsk State Medical University

Email: osma-genpract@yandex.ru
MD, Professor, Head of department of internal diseases and family medicine

Marina I. Shupina

Omsk State Medical University

Email: osma-genpract@yandex.ru
MD, assistant professor of department of internal diseases and family medicine


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