Photodynamic therapy in the treatment of abnormalities of the cervix uteri and endothelium


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Objective: to study the efficiency of treatment for background and precancer diseases of the cervix uteri and endometrial hyperplastic processes (EHP) by photodynamic therapy (PDT). Setting: Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Therapeutics, , Russian State Medical University, Russian Agency for Health Care, Moscow. Design: a prospective study. Subjects: 102 patients with background and precancer diseases of the cervix uteri and 24 patients with EHP. Methods: PDT was performed in 72 patients with abnormalities of the cervix uteri; a control group comprised 30 patients with background and precancer diseases of the cervix uteri treated by diathermic surgery. Photodynamic endothelial destruction was carried out in 24 patients with EHP. Results: the efficiency of PDT in the treatment of background and precancer diseases of the cervix uteri was 88.9%. There was a significantly low incidence of adverse reactions and complications as compared with the controls. The efficiency of photodynamic endothelial destruction was 83.3%. Conclusion: PDT is a highly effective treatment for background and precancer diseases of the cervix uteri, preferable in nulliparas of reproductive age. It is an effective, sparing EHP treatment requiring no anesthesia, which is of particular importance in patients with extragenital pathology that is a contraindication to hormonal or surgical treatment.

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