Obstetric hemorrhages: Prevention and treatment


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The sequence of both conservative and surgical measures (ligation of uterine vascular fascicles, application of compression sutures to the uterus, ligation of internal iliac arteries, and embolization of uterine arteries) is detailed in postpartum hypotonic hemorrhages. In the past 5 years, the D.O. Ott Research Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology could reduce the incidence of hypotonic hemorrhages by 3 times.
Bleedings in preterm placental detachment, as well as the principles of infusion-transfusion therapy for hemorrhages are analyzed.

Sobre autores

Eduard Aylamazyan

M Repina

T Kuz'minykh

E Ailamazyan

Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

; Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

M Repina

Saint Petersburg Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Ministry of Health and Social Development, North-Western Federal District of the Russian Federation

; Saint Petersburg Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Ministry of Health and Social Development, North-Western Federal District of the Russian Federation

T Kuzminykh

Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

; Russian Academy of Medical Sciences


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