Prognostic criteria for the proliferative potential of the endometrium in the perimenopausal period


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An association of metabolic disturbances with the imbalance of endometrial proliferation and apoptosis and a possibility of using sFas as a diagnostic criterion for the proliferative potential of endometrial glandular epitheliocytes were studied in perimenopausal women with different forms of hyperplasia of the mucous membrane of the corpus uteri in the presence of the metabolic syndrome. The authors show it expedient to single out a group at risk for malignancy of the hyperplastic endometrium. In endometrial hyperplasia, the determination of sFas may serve as a prognostic criterion for a risk of atypical transformation.

Sobre autores

V Grishchenko

Kharkov National Medical University, Ukraine

Kharkov National Medical University, Ukraine

I Kachailo

Kharkov National Medical University, Ukraine

Kharkov National Medical University, Ukraine

I Muryzina

Kharkov National Medical University, Ukraine

Kharkov National Medical University, Ukraine


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