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Objective. To study hemostasiological relations in the pathogenesis of gestational complications, to devise methods for more effective diagnosis and optimization of medical and preventive measures against late obstetric complications. Subjects and methods. Pregnant women were genotyped for four prothrombotic polymorphisms within the framework of a cohort prospective study in Omsk. Results. There was a high level of polymorphism of the plasminogen activator inhibitor-I(PAI-I) (62%) and methyltetrahydrofolate reductase - MTHFR (36%) and a low prevalence of polymorphic loci for the blood coagulation factors II and V genes in the plasma — F2 (3%) and F5 (2%). No great differences were found in the frequency of F2 and F5 polymorphisms between the examined women with gestational complications or those with physiological pregnancy. Conclusion. Carriage of the rare MTHFR allele doubles a risk for poor pregnancy outcomes. Among PAI-1 polymorphisms, there was a preponderance of heterozygous carriers in the study group, by considerably increasing the risk of obstetric complications. PAI-1 homozygous genotypes, including the major mutation, were unassociated with the risk in question and were more common among good pregnancy outcomes.

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Omsk State Medical Academy, Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia

Email: medyannikova_i@mail.ru


Omsk State Medical Academy, Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia



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