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Objective. To identify the specific features of the incidence of cancer of female reproductive organs in the Primorye Territory over time in 1992-2011 and to estimate prognosis till 2017. Subject and methods. Information was obtained from the data bank on new cases of reproductive organ cancer in the women of the Primorye Territory, which had been created at the Research Institute of Oncology, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (Tomsk), on the basis of medical records from the oncology dispensaries of Siberia and Far East — these were a total of 6812 cases. The mathematical statistical methods recommended by the Ministry of Health of Russia and other adequate epidemiological methods were used. Results. In the structure of female cancer morbidity in the Primorye Territory, cancer of reproductive organs (breast, cervix uteri, corpus uteri, and ovary) affects occupies more than one third of all sites. During the study, its morbidity rose by 59.1%. This increase was mainly due to elderly patients. It has been predicted that with he identified trends being maintained, the morbidity rates will be able to rise by further 10.8-25.8% in 2017 as compared to 2007-2011. As a result, the exception is cancer of the corpus uteri, the standardized index of which may achieve the rate of the Russian Federation in 2011; the other sites in this group exceed it. Conclusion. The trend in the incidence of reproductive organ cancer in the female population of the Primorye Territory is indicative of its rather negative pattern and the need to monitor this process for the future and to make corrections in the planning of therapeutic and prophylactic measures.

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Research Institute of Oncology, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

Email: epidem@oncology.tomsk.ru
Tomsk, Russia


Research Institute of Oncology, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

Email: epidem@oncology.tomsk.ru
Tomsk, Russia


Research Institute of Oncology, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

Email: epidem@oncology.tomsk.ru
Tomsk, Russia


Primorye Territorial Dispensary

Email: pkod@front.ru
Vladivostok, Russia


Primorye Territorial Dispensary

Email: pkod@front.ru
Vladivostok, Russia


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