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Objective. To study the current features of reproductive behavior and reproductive choice of young people of both sexes and the impact of current social relations on them. Subject and methods. The problems under the conditions of society transformation were comprehensively considered; the information from the questionnaires obtained from 585 students (68.7% girls and 31.3% boys at the age of 16 to 19 years (mean age 17.0±1.1 and 17.6±1.5 years, respectively) from the Moscow State Pedagogical University were analyzed. Results. Russia’s current socioeconomic state substantially affects the young people’s priorities, the vector of which is mainly aimed at enhancing their material welfare and does not coincide with family creation and child birth. The gender relations of young people are chiefly determined by their sexual satisfaction with the use of currently available contraceptives at a low level and inadequate sexual education.

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Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Ministry of Education

Email: galadikke@yandex.ru


Human Population and Development Russian Association

Email: erofeeva@ranir.ru


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