The present-day view of the problem of female genital tuberculosis


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Objective. To analyze references and electronic databases devoted to the problems of the epidemiology, clinical presentation, and up-to-date diagnosis of female genital tuberculosis. Subject and methods. The references and electronic databases, such as, elFL Direct, MEDLINE, Health Source, AIDSLINE, Pub Med Medline, and Medical Journals, was analyzed. Results. Objective and subjective difficulties in the diagnosis of female genital tuberculosis have been analyzed; emphasis is laid on the need for a set of in-depth clinical and laboratory studies in a female genital tuberculosis risk group, which encompass current methods available in outpatient practice.

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Sobre autores

L. Kolesnikova

Research Center for Family Health and Human Reproduction Problems, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

MD, Professor, Corresponding Member of RAMS, Director

O. Leshchenko

Research Center for Family Health and Human Reproduction Problems, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

MD, Head of the Laboratory of socially significant infections in reproduction

A. Malanova

Research Center for Family Health and Human Reproduction Problems, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

graduate student


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