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Objective. To evaluate the efficiency of interferon-a2b correction of an infectious factor in reproductive-aged women at the stage of preparation and during pregnancy. Subject and methods. In nonpregnant women, the infectious factor of “bacterial vaginosis” was corrected with vagiferon vaginal suppositories (Group 1, n = 40), that of “bacterial and viral vaginitis” with vagiferon in combination with wilprafen (Group 1, n = 40) and vagiferon (Group 2, n = 40) under clinical and instrumental control, and that of “influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections” (ARVI) with grippferon nasal drops in 80pregnant women. Results. During topical therapy for bacterial vaginosis with vagiferon vaginal suppositories, there was a marked early clinical effect and neither recurrence within 2 weeks after drug use termination nor need at Stage 2 of vaginal biotope restoration, and during this therapy for bacterial and viral vagititis, there was a pronounced early clinical effect and a practical coincidence of the efficiency of vagiferon monotherapy and combined therapy. During topical therapy for ARVI and influenza with grippferon nasal drops there was a statistically significant reduction in the intensity and frequency of symptoms in early periods and neither disease complications nor additional use of antibiotics and antibacterial chemopreparations. Conclusion. The proven high activity of vagiferon vaginal suppositories in the therapy of nonspecific and mixed infection-induced bacterial vaginosis and vaginitis in nonpregnant women and that of grippferon nasal drops in the therapy of influenza and ARVI in pregnant women permit them to be recommended in the correction of an infectious factor.

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Peoples Friendship University of Russia

MD, Professor of the Department of obstetrics and gynecology 117198, Russia, Moscow, Miklukho-Maklaya Str. 6


V.N. Gorodkov Ivanovo Research Institute of Maternity and Childhood, Ministry of Health of Russia

MD, Professor, Chief Researcher 153045, Russia, Ivanovo, Pobedy Str. 20


Research Center, Firn M JSC Biotechnology Company

MD, Deputy Director 143390, Russia, Moscow, Kokoshkino settlement, Dzerzhinskogo Str. 4


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