Comprehensive approach to treating vulvodynia


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Objective. To consider the pathogenic mechanisms of vulvodynia in the context of a biopsychological approach and the choice of treatment policy. Subject and methods. An analysis of the data available in the literature and a semi-structured interview were made. Results. The author presents current views on the multiple mechanisms of vulvodynia. Particular emphasis is laid on the multidisciplinary pattern of the disorder; its related diagnostic and therapeutic difficulties are discussed. Mental and sexual status examinations are noted to be of importance. A multimodal, pathogenesis-oriented therapeutic approach is given, which adaptably combines drug therapy, psychopharmacotherapy, psychotherapy, and sex health counseling. Conclusion. Effective therapy for vulvodynia is based on the differential approach accounting for the specific contribution of biological, psychological, and psychosocial factors. It may require the combined efforts of a gynecologist and a psychotherapist (a sexologist).

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Sobre autores

Anna Fedorova

I.I. Mechnikov North-Western State Medical University

MD, Professor of Department of Sexology


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