Results of the observational study EVA PLUS: Use of combined oral contraceptives with f olate in real clinical practice in Russia


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Objective. To estimate the level of satisfaction with the use of the contraceptive Yaz® Plus by women and physicians in real clinical practice. Subjects and methods. A prospective, multicenter observational study was conducted in 1484 women over 18 years of the age, who used Yaz® Plus for contraception. Results. The use of the contraceptive Yaz® Plus was accompanied by a high satisfaction by both women (4.7 points out of 5) and physicians (4.8 points out of 5). Medication adherence during a year of therapy was 88.9%. The total observational time was 1406.69 women-years of medication use. The incidence of adverse events (AEs) was one event per 8.85 women-years of use. During the study, 159 AEs were recorded in 113 (7.61%) women. Most of the AEs were classif ied as mild (n = 131) and moderate (n = 28) AEs in 97 (6.54%) and 23 (1.55%) women, respectively. Conclusion. The use of Yaz® Plus prescribed for contraception in real clinical practice was accompanied by a high level of satisfaction. The choice of physicians who have recommended Yaz® Plus determines the contraceptive effectiveness of the medication and the possibility of everyday compensation for the optimal daily dose of folates.

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Sobre autores

Marina Khamoshina

Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia

MD, professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Medical Institute


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