


The paper presents the results of studying the efficacy of the herbal drug mastodinone in the rehabilitation of women after medical abortion. Fifty primigravidas aged 18 to 40 years without a history of menstrual dysfunction were examined immediately after medical abortion at 5-12 weeks of gestation. A study group (n = 30) received mastodinone only as 30 drops twice daily for 6 months; a control group (n=20) was untreated. The patients kept a menstrual calendar, by rating the manifestations of premenstrual-tension syndrome, the rhythm and volume of menstrual blood loss, and breast pain. Following 3 months, there were breast pain complaints in 23.3% of the women in the study group and in 60% in the controls; complaints of fatigability and lower abdominal pain were reported by 13.3 and 35% and 10 and 20%, respectively. Hyperpolymenorrhea, irritability, and insomnia were not observed in the study group; these were seen in 15; 60, and 5% of cases, respectively. Six months after abortion, complaints were virtually absent in the study group women. All non-rehabilitation women made these or those complaints: facial edemas (25%), irritability (40%), mastodynia (50%), fatigability (45%), and headache (25%). No cases of mastodinone-associated complications or adverse reactions were recorded.


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