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Objective. To study the therapeutic and diagnostic tactics for the management of pregnant women, parturients, and puerperas who have died from the severe forms of preeclampsia, eclampsia, and their complications in Russia in 2013. Subjects and methods. Thirty-four blind copies of primary medical records (outpatient cards, pregnant woman’s cards, puerpera’s cards, labor histories, inpatient’s cards, postmortem examination protocols) for the 2013 maternal deaths from preeclampsia and eclampsia were retrospectively analyzed. Results. Maternal mortality from severe preeclampsia and eclampsia was more frequently associated with the development of multiple organ dysfunction, brain edema, acute disseminated intravascular coagulation and massive hemorrhage, septic complications, and extragenital comorbidities. The physicians’ most common errors continue to be underestimation of the severity of disease and untimely labor and delivery in the presence of atypical severe preeclampsia (critical hypertension (^ 180/120 mm Hg) occurred in 41.7% (95% CI 24.6-59.3) of the dead, generalized edema in 64.2% (95% CI 46.5-80.3), high-grade proteinuria in 45.8% (95% CI 29.8- 64.9). At the same time, terminology, classification, and a set of laboratory and functional studies used in the majority of obstetric facilities have not virtually changed in recent years. Maternal death was preventable and arbitrarily preventable in 85.3% (95% CI 68.9-95.0). Conclusion. To reduce maternal mortality from preeclampsia/eclampsia requires universal compliance with the unified current terminology, classification, diagnostic criteria, and severity evaluation, which are approved by the ICD-10, the procedures, standards, and protocols of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, the Fifth Congress of Obstetricians/Gynecologists; introduction of evidence-based scientific advances into obstetric practice.




Iraida Sidorova

I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University

MD, Professor, RAMS Corresponding Member, Honoured Scientist of the Russian Federation, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology № 1 119991, Russia, Moscow, Trubetskaya str. 8 bld. 2

Oleg Filippov

Department of health care services for children and maternity, Ministry of Health of Russia

MD, professor, deputy director 127994, Russia, GSP-4, Moscow, Rakhmanovsky per. 3

Natalya Nikitina

I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University

PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology № 1 Therapeutic Faculty, Chair of Obstetrics and Gynaecology № 1 119991, Russia, Moscow, Trubetskaya str. 8 bld. 2

Elena Guseva

Department of health care services for children and maternity, Ministry of Health of Russia

PhD, Associate Professor, deputy director 127994, Russia, GSP-4, Moscow, Rakhmanovsky per. 3


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