Acute pyoinflammatory diseases in emergency gynecological practice



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Objective. To improve the immediate and late results of treatment in patients with acute pyoinflammatory diseases. Subject and methods. The basis for the investigation was 16-year archival paper and electron data, surgery journals, case reports, clinical observations, and investigations of the urban emergency gynecological service in the 0.5-million city. Results. In the past 8 years, in addition to single exhaustive operations, 94 programmed endoscopic sanitizations of the small pelvis have been performed in 38 patients, from 2 to 6 sanitations made in each 24-36 hours later. Re-entry technology did not involve leaving the ports; an entrance was made through the earlier puncture sites. The best result was obtained by programmed relaparotomies for disseminated peritonitis. Conclusion. The novel approach improved not only the results of treatment for genital inflammatory processes, but also reproductive function.




Natalia Baulina

Penza State University

PhD, Associate Professor of Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology

Victor Usanov

Penza State University

PhD, Associate Professor, Head of Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology

Anatoliy Baulin

Penza Institute for Postgraduate Training of Physicians

MD, PhD, Professor of the Department of Surgery, Oncology, Endoscopy

Elena Klochkova

G.A. Zakharyin City Clinical Hospital of Emergency Medical Care

PhD, Gynecologist

Ekaterina Baulina

I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University

PhD, Assistant of the Department of Hospital’s Surgery №1


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