Sexual development of aboriginal and immigrant girls in the Republic of Khakassia: Somatometric aspects



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Objective. To identify the ethnic features of sexual development of girls in Khakassia. Subjects and methods. The survey involving somatometry and assessment of sexual development, by using the scale designed by J. Tanner, covered 1,035 aboriginal (Mongoloid, Khakassian) and 847 immigrant (white) girls at the age of 11 to 18 years. Results. Indigenous girls had lower absolute values of height and weight, buttocks circumference, and pelvic bone dimensions than immigrant peers. The pubertal growth surge occurs during the 13th year of life in Khakassian girls and a year earlier in white girls. The mean age of breast development, onset of pubic hair, and menarche was 11.8, 12.0, and 12.8 years for immigrant girls and 12.1, 12.2, and 12.9 years, respectively, for Khakassian girls. There was a delay in the formation of Ma5 and P5A in a significant proportion of the girls surveyed; 1.3% of the Khakassian girls and 2.4% of the white girls had an irregular menstrual cycle by the age of 18 years. Conclusion. The revealed regional characteristics of pubescence predetermine the search for reasons that negatively affect the reproductive potential of the rising generation.




Valentina Gladkaya

obstetrician-gynecologist, PhD, assistant professor of pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology, N.F. Katanov Khakass State University, Ministry of Education and Science of Russia 655017, Russia, Republic of Khakassia, Abakan, Vyatkina str.16-12

Vera Gritsinskaya

MD, professor of children’s diseases, 2V.A. Almazov North-West Federal Medical Research Center, Ministry of Health of Russia. 197341, Russia, St. Petersburg, Akkuratova str. 2

Nadezhda Medvedeva

Doctor of Medicine, Professor, Head of the Department of Human Anatomy and Histology, Prof. V.F. Voino-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University, Ministry of Health of Russia. 660022, Russia, Krasnoyarsk, Partizana Zheleznyaka str. 1


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