Reproductive health problems associated with genital tuberculosis in women



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Objective. To identify comorbidities and clinical, epidemiological, and hormonal features in women with reproductive disorders and genital tuberculosis. Subjects and methods. Examinations were made in 648 women with reproductive disorders from a genital tuberculosis risk group, who were referred from the Ulan-Ude general polyclinic network to the G.D. Dugarova Republican Clinical Tuberculosis Dispensary to rule out genital tuberculosis. The latter was diagnosed in 92 (14.2%) women. Random sampling was used to form a comparison group of 115 people out of 556 women with undetected genital tuberculosis. Results. In 2012-2015, the prevalence of female genital tuberculosis in the Republic of Buryatia was 14.2% (1.2 per 100,000 population) (95% CI, 0.11-0.17). There were no statistically significant differences in the frequency of infertility, miscarriage, pelvic inflammatory diseases, menstrual irregularities, and gynecological comorbidities in patients with reproductive disorders and documented and undocumented genital tuberculosis. The shortest duration of infertility was common in women without genital tuberculosis. A significantly lower serum level of ovarian hormones was established in women with infertility and genital tuberculosis than in the comparison group. The concurrence of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) (trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, chlamydiasis, cytomegalovirus infection, and herpes simplex virus type 1 and type 2) was statistically significantly more frequent in women with reproductive disorders associated with genital tuberculosis. The clinical characteristics of women with infertility and genital tuberculosis were associated with systemic intoxication. Conclusion. It was established that ovarian hormone levels were decreased and reproductive disorders concurrent with STIs were significantly more often encountered in women with genital tuberculosis.




Olga Leshchenko

Research Center for Family Health and Human Reproduction Problems

MD, PhD, Head of Laboratory of socially relevant infections in reproduction

Auna Malanova

G.D. Dugarova Republican Clinical Tuberculosis Dispensary, Republic of Buryatia


Alina Atalyan

Research Center for Family Health and Human Reproduction Problems

PhD, Senior Researcher of Laboratory of socially relevant infections in reproduction


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