Experience with laser Doppler flowmetry in the evaluation of hemodynamic disorders of microcirculation in the fetoplacental complex



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Objective. To evaluate the microcirculation of the fetoplacental complex in smoking pregnant women by laser Doppler flowmetry. Subjects and methods. The investigation included 105 pregnant women who were divided into 3 groups: 1) 35 patients with physiological pregnancy without extragenital pathology (a control group); 2) 35 with gestational hypertension (a comparison group); 3) 35 smoking patients (a study group). The above groups underwent laser Doppler flowmetry evaluation of microcirculation in each trimester of pregnancy. Results. Laser Doppler flowmetry recorded significant changes in the fetoplacental complex in smoking pregnant women who developed a spastic hemodynamic type of microcirculatory disorders. Conclusion. The use of laser Doppler flowmetry along with existing techniques (ultrasonography, cardiotocography, dopplerometry) will be able to diagnose microcirculatory disorders in the fetoplacental complex in the first trimester of pregnancy.




Patimat Gadzhieva

Astrakhan State Medical University

Email: pati.gadzhiewa2012@yandex.ru

Lyudmila Dikareva

Astrakhan State Medical University

Email: dikarevalv@mail.ru


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