Artificial intelligence in reproductive medicine: ethical and clinical aspects



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The introduction of artificial intelligence (AI) systems in medicine is one of the most important current trends in global healthcare. AI technologies can substantially update a diagnostic system and the design of new drugs and improve the quality of healthcare, by simultaneously reducing cost. Despite the obvious advantages of applying AI-based algorithms, there are a number of limitations in the implementation of these programs in healthcare. Among these problems, there is an ethical challenge in AI, as well as responsibility for programmed decisionmaking. Another important issue of the safe use of AI is the black box principle, when determining causal relationships between data, how the system has actually arrived at a derived conclusion cannot be determined exactly. At the moment, the major goal of AI studies should be to improve software accuracy. Conclusion: The review considers the main areas of AI application, different machine learning techniques, ethical restrictions, and prospects for introducing these programs into clinical practice, including those used in assisted reproductive technologies.




Yulia Drapkina

Academician V.I. Kulakov National Medical Research Center of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Perinatology, Ministry of Health of Russia

PhD, Researcher, Department of IVF named after Professor BV. Leonov

Elena Kalinina

Academician V.I. Kulakov National Medical Research Center of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Perinatology, Ministry of Health of Russia

Dr. Med. Sci., Professor, Head of the Department of IVF named after Professor BV. Leonov

Natalya Makarova

Academician V.I. Kulakov National Medical Research Center of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Perinatology, Ministry of Health of Russia

Dr. Bio. Sci., Leading Researcher, Department of IVF named after Professor BV. Leonov

Kirill Milchakov

I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University), Ministry of Health of Russia

PhD, Associate Professor

Vladimir Frankevich

Academician V.I. Kulakov National Medical Research Center of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Perinatology, Ministry of Health of Russia

Dr. Sci. (Physical and Mathematical), Head of the Department of Systems Biology in Reproduction


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