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There were summarized data on the principal methods of fine motor skills recovery after injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system of a hand and CNS. Disorders of fine motor skills in adults are of great social importance in relation to hand injuries of various etiologies. Recovery time, indications for use and effectiveness of hardware technologies are discussed. The detailed description of the new modular biofeedback technology of recovery of fine motor skills in exercise equipment Leonardo (Chinesport, Italy), combining the advantages of manual and machine methods of rehabilitation, is presented. Small size and “friendly” design allow using exercise equipment Leonardo at all stages of medical rehabilitation; but to create definitive records of recovery of fine motor skills in adult patients with hand injuries it is necessary to conduct additional multicenter studies.

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About the authors

Marina R Makarova

Moscow scientific and practical center of medical rehabilitation, of restorative and sports medicine

105120, Moscow, Zemlyanoy Val Street, 53


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