P. Clark and Tylor. Treatment of spastic phenomena in diplegia cerebralis by transection of the posterior roots. Te treatement of the spasticity of cerebral diplegia by section of the posterior spinal nerve roots. — Journal of Nervous and Mental diseases. 1910, № 2

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Proceeding from the generally accepted position, according to which muscle tone depends on irritations coming from the surface of the skin and from the muscles, the speakers suggest, in cases where there is an increase in tone, to resort to transection of the posterior roots. At a meeting of the New York Neurological Society, they demonstrated a boy of 10 years old, who, at the age of 11 months, after undergoing scarlet fever at that time, developed diplegia spastica; Tylor performed an operation that consisted of transection of the last thoracic and 4 lumbar sensory roots on the left side. After the operation, the spastic phenomena in the left leg noticeably weakened, and the gait improved significantly; the right leg remained unchanged.

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Исходя изъ общепризнаннаго положенія, согласно которому мышечный тонусъ находится въ зависимости отъ раздраженій, идущихъ съ поверхности кожи и отъ мышцъ, докладчики предлагаютъ въ тѣхъ случаяхъ, когда имѣется увеличеніе тонуса, прибѣгать къ перерѣзкѣ заднихъ корешковъ. Въ засѣданіи Нью-Іоркскаго неврологическаго общества ими былъ демонстрированъ мальчикъ 10 лѣтъ, у котораго, въ возрастѣ 11 мѣсяцевъ, послѣ перенесенія въ это время скарлатины, развилась diplegia spastica; Tylor’омъ была произведена операція, состоявшая въ перерѣзкѣ съ лѣвой стороны послѣдняго грудного и 4 поясничныхъ чувствительныхъ корешковъ. Послѣ операціи спастическія явленія въ лѣвой ногѣ замѣтно ослабѣли, и походка значительно улучшилась; правая нога осталась въ прежнемъ состояніи.


About the authors

Vitaly N. Likhnitsky

Author for correspondence.
Email: info@eco-vector.com
Russian Federation


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