M.V. Toward a demonstration of trypanosis preparations. — Proceedings and protocols of the Imperial Caucasian Medical Society. October 1908 - January 1909 Tiflis

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Demonstrating microscopic preparations with trypanosis, stained. according to the Giems, the author briefly describes their structure and notes the morphological, however, insignificant features of each of the 7 currently known species of this parasite; along the way, the method of reproduction and their transmission from one animal to another is indicated, and in pathogenic ones, the disease they cause.

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Демонстрируя микроскопическія препараты трипанозомъ, окраш. по спос. Giemsa, авторъ кратко описываетъ строеніе ихъ и отмѣчаетъ морфологическія, правда, незначительныя особенности каждаго изъ 7 извѣстныхъ въ настоящее время видовъ этого паразита; попутно указанъ способъ размноженія и передачи ихъ отъ одного животнаго другому, а у патогенныхъ вызываемая ими болѣзнь.


About the authors

N. S. Bogatyrev

Author for correspondence.
Email: info@eco-vector.com
Russian Federation


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