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The review describes the mechanisms of nervous system influence on skeletal muscle phenotype and ways of their identification. In the main part of the review the questions on the definitive skeletal muscle fibers phenotype plasticity and the role of spinal motoneurons on transformation of skeletal muscle fibers are discussed. The special attention is given to the phenomenon of neurotrophic control of skeletal muscles. Based to the literature data and to our own experimental results the new view on the mechanisms of skeletal muscle fibers phenotype regulation is presented. The hypothesis where the leading role in regulation of skeletal muscle plasticity belongs to the motor centers of pyramidal and extrapyramidal systems is proposed.

About the authors

Rustem R Islamov

Kazan State Medical University

Butlerov St, 49, Kazan, Russia,420012

Victor V Valiullin

Kazan State Medical University

Butlerov St, 49, Kazan, Russia,420012


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