Vol 21, No 6 (2016)


Reactivation of Varicella Zoster virus in HIV infection. Actual issues

Nikiforov V.V., Dvornikov A.S., Shakhmardanov M.Z., Skripkina P.A.


The article presents current views on epidemiology, clinical manifestations, and ways of the prevention infection caused by Varicella Zoster virus in HIV-infected patients.
Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases. 2016;21(6):300-303
pages 300-303 views

The actuality of the problem co-infection of HIV and tuberculosis in current epidemiological conditions

Chumachenko G.V., Babaeva I.Y., Avdeeva M.G.


The aim of the study. The analysis of clinical and epidemiological peculiarities of tuberculosis associated with HIV infection (TB+HIV), in the Tula region for 16 years from 1995 to 2012 to determine priority directions of the prevention and improvement of the quality of medical care. Materials and methods. There was executed the retrospective analysis of 818 inpatient medical records of TB+HIV patients and 645 outpatient medical cards (Tula regional antitubercular dispensary N1). Patients were observed and examined also in the Center for Prevention and Control ofAIDS and Infectious diseases. A study of HIV-associated TB was performed in 7 scientific and practical directions: clinical, radiological, immunological, microbiological, postmortem, statistical. Results and discussion. In the structure of TB+ HIV patients men (73.3%) prevailed, urban residents accounted for 76.76%, there is an increase in the dynamics of the proportion of women from 20.0% (2002) to 34.6% (2011), 83.38% ofpatients were aged of 21-40 years. Social portrait of the patient: the secondary (37.94%) or secondary special (32.65%) education and the lack of constant work (71.32%), 40.88% of the patients had previously been in prison. Two-thirds of patients (66.18%) were HIV infected due to the intravenous use of narcotics, however, during last 6 years of observation (from 2006 to 2012) the proportion of sexual transmission of HIV increased from 18.2% to 39.4%. The sexually transmitted HIV-infected cases most commonly occur in persons older than 41 years as well as in women. In most HIV cases TB appeared to be secondary infection, the average timespan between the onsets of these diseases was 6.3±2.77 years. In examined patients older 50 years HIV and tuberculosis were diagnosed simultaneously at the advanced stage of HIV infection. In 96.18% of cases (654 patients) tuberculosis had pulmonary localization, in most (67.1% of cases, 439patients) it was disseminated, including milliarytuberculosis, followed by infiltrative tuberculosis - 171 patients (26.1% ofpulmonary form cases). In long-term observation there was noted an increase in the proportion of infiltrative tuberculosis in the structure ofpulmonary forms. Conclusion. With taking in consideration the unfavorable epidemic situation, it is quite advisable to perform a comprehensive monitoring of social, medical and other factors, characterizing the patients suffered from TB associated with HIV infection.
Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases. 2016;21(6):304-312
pages 304-312 views

Clinical and morphological characteristics and outcomes of tuberculosis process in patients suffered from HIV infection

Semenova N.Y., Chebotareva T.V., Orlova S.N., Oblogina L.I.


The purpose of research is to perform an analysis of features of the clinical course of comorbidity tuberculosis + HIV infection and proximate causes of death of patients. In the article there was performed a comparative analysis of the clinical and radiological, bacteriological and morphological data of 74 deceased patients, divided into two groups: main (cases with the presence of co-infection: tuberculosis associated with HIV infection) and a comparison group (TB mono-infected persons).The performed analysis of the clinical course, the data of microbiological examination and radiographic findings in 74 of the dead patients allowed to reveal features of the course of tuberculosis in HIV infection cases at the IV stage: acute onset of illness, debilitating fever, full-blown bronchopulmonary syndrome and intoxication, massive bacterial excretion. In co-infection patients at the advanced stages with a significant decrease in the level of CD4+ lymphocytes there was no tendency to develop of tuberculous granuloma. The evolution of the process was characterized by the acute generalized by lymphatic/hematogenous and hematogenous dissemination with combined lesions of the internal organs (meninges, lungs, liver, spleen, adrenal glands, pancreas, heart, mesenteric lymph nodes). Tuberculosis granulomatous response as a mode of specific antituberculosis protection failed to develop, the changes were mostly exudative-necrotic inflammation in character due to the presence of immunodeficient state. At the same time in patients without HIV infection the process was classic in character: there were developed isolated lung lesions without the involvement of other organs. Morphological changes were presented by formed tuberculous granulomas with epithelioid cell infiltration and pronounced caseous necrosis. The cause of death in the study group patients was generalized tuberculosis with simultaneous defeat of several vital organs.
Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases. 2016;21(6):313-321
pages 313-321 views

The experience of the organization of the department of chronic viral infections on the basis of outpatient clinics in a densely populated area of the large megalopolis

Naumenko V.V., Sologub T.V.


The article presents data on the incidence of HIV infection both in the city of St. Petersburg and the Central district of the city of St. Petersburg for the 5-years period. There is given the description of the age and gender of HIV-infected patients. There was performed the analysis of the activity of special unit for care to patients with HIV-infection and chronic viral hepatitis of the Central district of the city of St. Petersburg.
Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases. 2016;21(6):322-328
pages 322-328 views

The use of interferon inducers in the comprehensive treatment for the prevention of tick-borne viral encephalitis

Kazakovtsev S.L., Sologub T.V., Tsvetkov V.V.


The use of immunoglobulin preparations for the postexposure prevention of tick-borne encephalitis as the main therapeutic and prophylactic agent fails to have enough high efficiency. For the postexposure prevention and treatment of tick-borne viral encephalitis the use of preparation tioloroin seems to be appropriate. Objective. To determine the expedience of the use of the preparation tiloron for the emergency prevention of tick-borne viral encephalitis and to evaluate its effectiveness in the treatment of patients with febrile and meningeal forms of this infection. Materials and Methods. The evaluation ofpost-exposure prophylaxis of tick-borne was carried out in two groups of individuals (each group was consisted of 100 cases), suffered from the suction of ticks infected by encephalitis virus. Both groups sought for medical help in the first 48 hours after the moment of the tick suction. None of the victims has not been vaccinated against the disease and had no serological markers of infection. According to existing regulations, patients in both groups received post-exposure prophylaxis antiviral tick immunoglobulin in the standard dose. Patients of the second group additionally received an interferon inducer drug tiloron. For the evaluation of the therapeutic efficacy of the drug tiloron there was executed the analysis of clinical and laboratory picture of verified tick-borne viral encephalitis in 40 patients treated at "Republican Hospital for Infectious Diseases" of the city of Syktyvkar in the period from 2010 to 2015. There were studied the dynamics of clinical symptoms, haematological and biochemical markers, CSF, certain immunological indices: CD4, CD8, CD4/CD8, IgM and IgG. For the comparative assessment of the effectiveness of treatment, all the examined patients were divided into 4 groups depending on the clinical diagnosis and ongoing taken causal treatment. Results. Among the patients received post-exposure prophylaxis with inclusion of the preparation tiloron, the disease developed significantly less often, without the formation offocal forms. The use of tiloron in combination therapy reduced the duration of main clinical manifestations in patients with febrile and meningeal forms of the disease, contributed to a more rapid rehabilitation of cerebrospinal fluid, recovery of subpopulations of T-lymphocytes. Conclusions. Immunomodulating inductor tiloron is effective in complex treatment and prevention of tick-borne viral encephalitis.
Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases. 2016;21(6):329-334
pages 329-334 views

Prevalence rate and prognostic value of the IL-28 gene polymorphism in hepatitis C patients in the Krasnodar territory

Morenets T.M., Knizhnik T.A., Eremina G.A., Gorodin V.N., Avdeeva M.G.


Objective. The study of the prevalence rate of the IL-28B genotype polymorphism in chronic hepatitis C (CHC) patients in the Krasnodar territory for the prediction of the effectiveness of various schemes of antiviral therapy. Materials and methods. There was executed the determination of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) at loci rs8099917 and rs12979860 of the IL-28B gene in 833 CHC genotype 1 patients, aged of from 18 to 73 years, living in the Krasnodar Territory. In 260 cases the viral load has been determined. For genotyping IL-28B there was used the method of allele-specific PCR test system «AmpliSens Genoskrin IL28B-FL» in a amplifier with system of detection offluorescent signal in real-time mode “Rotor-Gene Q” (“Qiagen”, Germany). The investigation of the marker rs12979860 study was performed in combination with the marker rs8099917. Combinations of genotypic variants SNPIL-28B were compared with the rate of early virological response (EVR) and Sustained Virological Response (SVR) under antiviral therapy comprised of two components IFN/ ribavirin (20) andPEG-IFN/ribavirin (68 patients), as well as the "triple therapy": PEG-IFN/RBV/inhibitorsprotease 1 and 2 generations (16 cases). Results and discussion. In the Krasnodar territory in CHC genotype 1 patients there is prevailed heterozygous variant rs12979860 CTIL-28B (58.3%), potentially unfavorable in the prescription of "double" therapy. The detection rate of the protective allele CC is 2.1 times less often (27.7%). In the rs8099917 locus there is dominatedfavorable TTgenotype (53.4%), slightly exceeding the frequency of heterozygous risk genotype GT (41.2%). The frequency of combinations of various protective genotypes (CC+CT), less favorable (CT+TT), the most unfavorable for the prognosis (CT+GT) for two interleukin 28B gene loci is about the same accounting of from 26.3 to 32%. Patients with protective CC+TT alleles had the significantly higher viral load if compared with a group of patients with unfavorable TT+GG homozygotes. In the treatment of CHC patients with genotype CC+CT in investigated loci (rs12979860 and rs8099917) according to such schemes as IFN/RBV and Peg-IFN/RBV, EVR was observed in 100% and SvR - in 89.4-849% ofpatients respectively. The combination of CT+TT alleles of the IL28B gene significantly reduced the effectiveness of treatment of PEG-IFN/RBV to 50%; in this process a combination of CT+GT heterozygotes has the highest proportion while SVR does not exceed 33.3%."Triple" therapy with PEG-IFN/RBV/ protease inhibitors of 1st and 2nd generations eliminates the significance of the combination of unfavorable genotypes SNP of the interleukin 28B gene, allowing to achieve EVR in all the patients with the absence of protective alleles CC+TT, SVR - in 85.7% of cases. Conclusion. In choosing treatment regimens for CHC genotype 1 patients the differentiated approach is appropriate, with taking into account the favorable and unfavorable combinations of genotypic variants of the IL28B gene concerning rs12979860 and rs8099917. In patients with the presence ofprotective alleles CC+TT on these loci, a "double" combination therapy by as pegylated as well standard interferon preparations with ribavirin is highly effective and may be preferred; in the combination of less favorable alleles CT+TT, and particularly unfavorable heterozygotes CT+GT ofIL-28B gene, it is advisable to use a "triple" therapy with PEG-IFN/RBV/protease inhibitors of 1st and 2nd generations or non-interferon regimens. The study of the distribution of SNP genotypes of IL28B genes and their combinations in CHC patients C allowed to evaluate rationally the need of that cohort ofpatients for various, including expensive non-interferon, therapy schemes.
Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases. 2016;21(6):335-340
pages 335-340 views

Predicting the risk of neurological complications in the erythemal form of ixodes Lyme disease

Moshkova D.Y., Avdeeva M.G.


The aim. The prediction of risk degrees of neurological complications in adult patients with erythemal form of borreliosis for the timely appointment of causal and pathogenetic therapy. Materials and methods. We observed 46 patients hospitalized in infectious hospital in Krasnodar in 2013-2014, with a diagnosis of Ixodes tick-borne Lyme disease, erythemal form, acute course was observed in 41 (89.1%) person, subacute - in 2 (4.4%), chronic - 3 (6.5%). In the course of the disease there was studied the level of pro-inflammatory cytokine IFN-y. Results. The average age of patients was 41.1 ± 1.83 years, among them women (63%) dominated. In 31% of patients there were observed symptoms of the damage of the nervous system. From the first week of the disease there was noted a significant increase in the level of IFN-y, which persisted both in the subacute and chronic course of the disease. The average level of IFN-y in patients with signs of the damage of the central and peripheral nervous system accounted for 64.8±14.19 pg/ml being ignificantly higher (P <0.05) than average level in patients without signs of the damage of the nervous system: 28.5 ± 3.4 pg/ ml. The positive association is established between the frequency of lesions of the nervous system and the increase in levels of IFN-y. Among patients with a level of IFN-y >20.0 pg/ml symptoms of the damage of the nervous system were recorded in 50% of cases. The degrees of neurological complications risk in patients with tick-borne Lyme disease are determined: the IFN-y level of 20.0-34.99 pg/ml predicted the risk of 1 degree (12.5%), level of 35,0-79,99 pg/ml - the risk of 2 degree (45%), the level higher than 80.0pg/ml - the risk of 3 degree (100%). Conclusion. The use of the determination of the IFN-y level can increase the accuracy and provide the timeliness of diagnosis of neurological complications in Lyme borreliosis cases, that is important for the prognosis and treatment of the disease.
Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases. 2016;21(6):341-346
pages 341-346 views

Detection and analysis of integrative conjugative elements in Vibrio spp. strains, isolated in the Volgograd region

Zakharova I.B., Kuzyutina Y.A., Podshivalova M.V., Zamarin A.A., Toporkov A.V., Viktorov D.V.


The presence of integrative conjugative elements (ICEs) of SXT/R391 family in different Vibrio species isolated from natural water sources in the Volgograd region in 2003 - 2014 was established. Trimethoprim (dfr18), streptomycin (strB) and sulfametoxazol (sulII) resistance genes were detected in ICEs pattern of in V. choleraenon-O1/non-O139 strains. In Vibrio spp. ICEs strains not referred to V. cholerae type there was detected another variant of dihydrofolate reductase gene - dfrA1 localized outside the main resistance cluster. The obtained results indicate to that aqueous Vibrio spp. strains may be potential reservoir of resistance genes.
Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases. 2016;21(6):347-351
pages 347-351 views

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