Technology for the determination of minor fractions of modified LP lipoproteins-α in coronary atherosclerosis

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Introduction. For the first time in clinical practice, diagnosis of different stages of lipidemia is conducted according to the level of blood lipids, lipoproteinsand catalase activity. This diagnostic approach can detect early stage of lipidemia against the progression of inflammation and pathogenesis due to the timely appoint a statin therapy, and predict the progress of lipidemia. The research of lipidemia is relevant for the differential diagnosis of coronary atherosclerosis. The aim of the study. At the same time, to study the activity of blood catalase and lipid profile of blood serum with the assessment of dyslipoproteinemia of atherogenic genesis to improve the diagnosis of coronary heart disease (CHD). Methods. Diagnosis of coronary heart disease is verified using clinical and laboratory research methods by using modern equipment. Over 40 male patients with coronary heart disease aged 40-50 years with a history of pathology more than 2 years were examined. The comparison group examined 20patients with neurocirculatory dystonia (NDC), comparable by sex and age. Statistical data processing was performed using the Statistica 13.0 application software package using student’s T criteria. Results. When analyzing the indicators, the most unfavorable prognosis of the course of coronary atherosclerosis was noted with a high level of lipoprotein-α in the blood against a background of a change in the activity of blood plasma catalase. Conclusion. Biochemical studies of blood lipids revealed a tendency to the development of the initial stage of lipidemia, combined with a slight increase in plasma catalase activity and atherogenic index. Therefore, in clinical practice, the use of kinetic determination of catalase activity is justified to clarify developing lipidemia.

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About the authors

N. V Kanskaya

Siberian State Medical University

A. N Baikov

Siberian State Medical University

V. V Udut

Goldberg Research Institute of Pharmacology and Regenerative Medicine TOMSKNRMC

N. A Fedorova

Cardiology Research Institute Tomsk NRMC

D. A Kudlay

NRC Institute of Immunology FMBA of Russia

I. A Pozdniakova

Siberian State Medical University

Y. G Samoilova

Siberian State Medical University


O. A Oleynik

Siberian State Medical University

E. V Udut

Siberian State Medical University

N. S Denisov

Siberian State Medical University

D. A Dyakov

Siberian State Medical University

E. Y Medinceva

Siberian State Medical University

V. E Skurihina

Siberian State Medical University


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