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General rules

  1. For publication review and original research (experimental) manuscripts are submitted
  2. The manuscript must have a visa of the Institution where it has been delivered and be preceded by the formal cover letter (with common seal), if necessary – with the expert's decision.
  3. The manuscripts already published or submitted to other publications must not sent to the editor
  4. The one copy of the manuscript must be signed by all the authors
  5. The manuscript and accompanying documents (application cover, Sheet with authorized signatures) are sent by e-mail: belushkina@rambler.ru to the Responsive Secretary, Belushkina Natal'ya Nikolaevna
  6. The print copy of the manuscript must be typed using font size 13 or 14 pt, Times New Roman or Arial, double-spaced, margins-right of “2,5-3 cm”.
  7. As in review as well in original manuscript should contain the results of own research, the volume of review manuscripts should not exceed 25 pages (including illustrations, tables and references), of original investigations - 15 pages, Book reviews - 3 pages.
  8. The construction plan for original manuscripts must be as follows: short introduction, presenting the state of the problem at the time of the writing the manuscript, Aim of the presented study, Material and Methods, Results, Discussion, itemized outputs or Conclusion, References
  9. Submitting the experimental work for publication, authors should be guided by the rules and regulations of the European Community Board concerning the use of experimental animals. Besides to species, sex and number of used animals, the authors must indicate methods of anesthesia applied during painful procedures, and methods of sacrificing animals
  10. Alongside the common abbreviations of units of measurement of physical, chemical and mathematical variables and terms (e. g., DNA), there are allowed abbreviations of word combinations, often repeated in the text. All letter marks and abbreviations introduced by the author should be described in the text at their first mention. Abbreviations for single words are not allowed, even if they are repeated frequently. The units of measurement must be expressed in SI units.
  11. Summary with key words in Russian and English is compulsory for all articles and should provide understanding of the all main issues of the article.
  12. The references in the text of the manuscript are given as numbers within square brackets in accordance with the list of references thereto. Besides the fundamental papers references list should include publications over the past 15 years. In original manuscripts there it should not be given more than 20 references, editorials and reviews of the literature - not more than 50 ones. The author is responsible for the accuracy of bibliographic data.
  13. All references should be numbered consecutively in the order of their citing, their numbering in the reference list must strictly conform to the numbering in the text. In the description of the reference all the authors of the cited article must be indicated. The use of acronym «et al.» is not acceptable. The references must be represented with the title of the articles. References to unpublished works are not accepted.
  14. The editors reserve the right to abridge and adopt the submitted works. Date of receipt of the manuscript is considered as the time of receipt of the final (revised) version of the manuscript.
  15. Manuscripts not complying fully with these requirements will be returned without consideration.

Author's summary of the article is the main source of information for domestic and foreign information systems and databases, indexing the journal.
From the article summary the essence of the study should be clear to the reader. From the article summary the reader must determine whether to apply to the full-text of this article for getting more detailed information that is of interest for him being of interest for him. The summary should represent only the essential facts of the work. There is desirable annotation structure that replicates the structure of the article and includes an introduction, aims and tasks, methods (in those cases when they are new or are necessary for understanding the essence and features of the topic of the article, results, conclusion (outputs). The summary for the literature review should not be structured.
The summary should be begun with the information contained on the title sheet. The amount of text of the author's summary is determined by of the content of the publication (volume of information, their scientific value and/or practical significance), and must be in limits of 150-250 words.

The preferred structure of the English-language resume and the example of the beginning of the first page:
S. S. Konovalov1, O. M. Litvyakova1, N. S. Linkova1, E.V. Sedov1, T. V. Kvetnaia1, S. U. Mursalov1, A. O. Durnova2, G. Kh. Tolibova2, A. V. Kostylev1
1N.N.Blokhin Russian Cancer Research Center of the RAMS, 24, Kashirskoe shosse, Moscow, Russian Federation, 115478
2D. O. Ott Research Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 3, Mendeleevskaya line, Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation, 199034

The aim of the study.
Conclusion. .
Key words: not more than 6 items
It is necessary to indicate the only e-mail ***@***.*** for the communication with the authors

Requirements for the illustrations and tables

  1. Color figures - black, white, gray, shading
  2. File Format– eps. (Adobe Illustrator: not lower than CS3), TIFF (extension: *.tiff, 300 dpi or bitmap; resolution 600 dpi.
  3. Width of the drawing - not more than 180 mm, it is desirable not to use a width of from 87 to 157 mm; height of the drawing - no more than 230 mm (with taking into account the stock for the caption signature); signature font size in the drawing must be at least 7 pt (7 points).
  4. Figure captions: Each figure must have a common header and decryption of all cuts. In captions to the graph designations as on abscissa and ordinate as units of measurement must be specified, and explanations for each curve are to be given. In captions to micrographs the staining method and zooming should be indicated.
  5. Drawings with captions must be laid out just in that place of the article where they should be located. The image as separate file is sent separately.
  6. Tables should be laid out in the places where they should be located. Above right it is necessary to designate the number of the table, below there is given its title (legend). Clippings in the tables are not allowed. All figures in the tables must comply with the figures in the text and necessary processed statistically.
  7. If the one table or figure is included, the number is not assigned.

Rules to the design of the list of references
References should be numbered consecutively in the order in which they are first mentioned in the manuscript. The reference in the text is given as numbers within square brackets [1] or [1, 2].The first line of an each reference in the list is indented (as column).
With the aim to index the articles in the International database “Scopus” or Web of science a transliteration of Russian sources is performed.
For convenience, one can make transliteration with the use of online services:
http://ru.translit.net/ .

All Russian-language references should be presented in transliterated version. Authors are responsible for the accuracy of the data provided in the reference list.
References list must correspond to the format recommended by the American National Information Standards Organization (National Information Standards Organisation - NISO), adopted by the National Library of Medicine (NLM) for databases (Library's MEDLINE/PubMed database) NLM: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/citingmedicine. Titles of periodicals can be written in an abbreviated form. Usually this form of writing is independently adopted by the Edition; it can be found on the publisher's website: http://www2.bg.am.poznan.pl/czasopisma/medicus.php?lang=eng

Self citation must not be more than 20%

Examples of the design of references
Durai R, Yang W, Gupta S. The role of the insulin-like growth factor system in colorectal cancer: review of current knowledge. Int. J. Colorectal Dis. 2005; 20(3): 203-20.
Afanasyev V.V. Salivary glands diseases and traumas. М.: GEOTAR-Media; 2012; 365.

Russian-language reference, then in square bracket transliterated reference must go on

  1. Костылева О.И., Герштейн Е.С., Дигаева М.А. Инсулиноподобные факторы роста, их рецепторы и связывающие белки как патогенетические факторы и потенциальные мишени терапии в онкологии. Вопросыбиологической, медицинскойифармацевтическойхимии. 2009;
    6: 3-8
    [Kostyleva O.I, Gershtein E.S, Digayeva M.A. Insulin-like growth factors, their receptors and binding proteins as pathogenetic factors and potential therapy targets in oncology. Voprosy biologicheskoy, meditsinskoy i pharmatsevticheskoy
    khimii. 2009; 6: 3-8 (in Russian)].
  2. Ших Е.В., Володин А.А., Максимов М.Л., Тарасов В.В., Сравнительный клинико-фармакологический анализ эффективности и безопасности ингибиторов котранспортеров SGLT. Молекулярная медицина. 2018; 16 (2): 15–25. DOI: 10.29296/24999490-2018-02-02
    [Shikh E.V., Volodin A.A., Maksimov M.L., Tarasov V.V. Сomparative clinical-pharmacological analysis of the efficiency and safety of inhibitors of SGLT co-transporters. Molekulyarnaya meditsina. 2018; 16 (2): 15–25 (in Russian). DOI: 10.29296/24999490-2018-02-02
  3. Афанасьев В.В. Слюнные железы болезни и травмы. М.: ГЭОТАР-Медиа; 2012
    [Afanasyev V.V. Salivary glands diseases and traumas. М.: GEOTAR-Media; 2012; 356 (in Russian)]




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The affiliation work and e-mail address of the authors of the manuscript accepted for publication will be published in the section "information about the authors" of the printed version of the journal and in the section "about the authors" on the page of the article on the website of the journal.

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