Prolongation of maximal time of renal ischemia under application of different variants of the antiischemic defense

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An antiischemic effect of kidney cooling to 16-18 or4°C, washing-up of the kidney with a cold preserving solution (Eurocollins solution) and medication (a-tocopherol as an oil solution or emulsion and isoptin) was studied in stopping renal blood flow for 1 to 24 hours in 94 white non-inbred rats. The damage was assessed during the organ reperfusion with oxygenized solution by the released intracellular lactate dehydrogenase and accumulated cortical malonic dialdehyde. Cooling of the kidney prolonged the time to marked alterations by 1 hour. Pretreatment with the drugs or addition of the drugs to the reperfusion solution prolonged permissible ischemia by 1 more hour in cooling to 16-18° and 2 hours in cooling to 4°C. Lavage of the kidney with the solution and cooling to 16-18X had no advantages over cooling alone while in cooling to 4"C damage to cell metabolism intensified only after 6 hours of ischemia. The most prominent antiischemic effect was observed in combination of all three factors of antiischemic defense (cooling, preserving solution and medication).


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