Combined operations in radical nephrectomy

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In 18 of 487 patients (11 males, 7 females) operated for renal cancer, radical nephrectomy was made simultaneously with cholecystectomy (n = 14) and prosthetic repair of the abdominal aorta (n = 4). A transabdominal approach was used in all the cases. Duration of radical nephrectomies from the transabdominal approach varies from 95 to 180 min while simultaneous operations lasted from 130 to 228 min. Cholecystectomy increased duration of the operations by 25-55, aortic repair - by 60-90 min. Conduction of concomitant operations had no negative effect on the course of postoperative period or on the number of complications. 18 cases of simultaneous operations (radical nephrectomy and cholecystectomy or aortic repair) showed that there was neither increased number of complications nor duration of hospital stay. Cholecystectomy can be made from the same incision as radical nephrectomy whereas aortic repair demands the middle approach which is not convenient for performance of radical nephrectomy.

About the authors

D Yu Pushkar

Ya D Kan

L M Gumin


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