Transurethral ablation (Presicion Plus) in the treatment of patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia

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Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is a common condition among elderly men. Transurethral needle ablation of the ptostate (TUNA) is a minimally invasive procedure for treatment of BPH. With TUNA, the inner region of the prostate is selectively ablated with temperatures approaching 90-100 °C while prostatic urothelium is preserved. The TUNA (Precision Plus) was used in 9 patients with BPH: 1 patient had acute urinary retention, 6 ones had suprapubic catheter and 2 patients had lateral and median lobes. The patient with acute urinary retention and 4 patients with suprapubic catheter resumed voiding after TUNA. Two patients with lateral and median lobes showed improvement of subjective and objective parameters. The size of the prostate did not change one month after TUNA. Thus, TUNA is a safe and effective therapy for treatment of BPH that can be performed with local anaesthesia.

About the authors

E В Mazo

G G Krivoborodov


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