An evidence-based approach to writing reviews as illustrated by treatment of erectile dysfunction

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Reviews integrate the data from original sources of information on the given topic. The quality of the review of literature depends on the quality of initial information. The development of evidencebased medicine demands higher standards from clinical trials. The authors analyse available information on the treatment of erectile dysfunction basing on standard international requirements for clinical trials. A checking list is available for standardization of clinical assessment. The data obtained is ranged by the degree of statistical significance. Basing on the evidence-based approach, the conclusion on efficacy of the following modern drugs in the treatment of erectile dysfunction are made: sildenafil, iochimbin, prostaglandin El and tadalafil. The conclusion on efficacy of the other drags against erectile dysfunction is impossible in view of methodological drawbacks of the trials.

About the authors

O I Apolikhin

I I Abdullin


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