Sildenafil citrate in diagnosis of erectile dysfunction

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We examined 86 patients: 24 with functional and 62 with organic erectile dysfunction (EDF). In functional EDF, sildenafil citrate (SC) in a dose 25-50 mg or intracavernous injection of 2% solution of papaverin always resulted in satisfactory erection. In EDF, SC, papaverin injection and LOD test results were compared. Morphological examinations of cavernous tissue and tunical albuginea of the penis. Correlations were found between clinical findings, results of SC and intracavernous papaverin solution administration, LOD-test, morphological evidence. This provides objective data for classification of EDF into three stages (I, II and III). Stages I and II were defined as compensated, stage III - as a decompensated stage of organic erectile dysfunction. SC has some advantages over other tests, therefore it is recommended as a monomethod for diagnosis of functional forms, indirect staging of organic EDF.


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