Administration of oral vitaprost for prevention of exacerbations of chronic abacterial prostatitis


Active substance of vitaprost® is a complex of water-soluble biologically active peptides isolated from bovine prostate. The prostatic extract has an organotropic action in relation to the prostate. As all peptide bioregulators, prostatic extract has antiaggregant and anticoagulant properties, enhances synthesis of antihistamine and antiserotonine antibodies, improves microcirculation in the prostatic gland. This accounts for its ability to reduce edema in prostatic inflammation. This clinical trial demonstrated that vitaprost® tablets decreases twice probability of chronic prostatitis exacerbation, of development of secondary exacerbations. A prophylactic intake of vitaprost® relieves symptoms of chronic prostatitis, first of all pain (discomfort), improvement of quality of life by NIH-CPSI, including exacerbation and significantly reduces size of the prostate. Vitaprost tablets can be effectively used prophylactively in chronic prostatitis for reducing probability of the disease exacerbations and their severity.


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